Note: Hillside restroom is ~52 yards from #64
Note: For Hilliside and Ravine, the restroom at Huckleberry is also available
Note: Parking has 21 spaces, including one accessible space; Two water spigots
Note: Share parking; 14 marked parking spots; Point appears to having individual parking at sites; Point is a few hundred yards of sites stretched in a line
Note” Use bathrooms for water; Accessible
Note: Two parking spaces; shares with #26 and #31
Note: Shares with #31; dimensions are total for both
Note: Shares parking with one of #32’s parking spaces; dimensions are total for both Campground merges with #32.
Note: Parking is a large paved region where a tent can also be placed
Note: Parking dimensions are total for both
Note: Parking dimensions are total for both
Note: Parking dimensions are total for both
Note: Parking dimensions are total for both
Note: B/w Mercury and Venus on planet walk; Water on west side of observatory; next to Robert Ferguson Observatory
Note: Muddy in rainy season
Note: Shares parking w/ 40; Very muddy in rainy season
Note: Shares parking with 41; Very muddy in rainy season
Note: Shares parking with #36; dimensions are for each parking space
Note: Shares parking with #37; dimensions are for each parking space
Note: Shares parking with #34; dimensions for each parking space
Note: Shares parking with #35; dimensions for each parking space
Note: Shares parking with #29. Car or RV is best next to host
Note: Glamping Shares parking with #30
Note: Spacious and private, but slope-y.
Note: Shares parking with #25; 5 x 8 each spot
Note: “Shares parking with #25; 5 x 8 each spot Site is up short steep slope”
Note: Parking Shares
Note: Parking and camping areas merge
Note: Glamping
Note: Does not appear to be available as of 5 December 2024
Note: Share open 17 x 11 open space for tents
Note: Have 6 x 6 common area
Note: Share common flat area for tents
Note: Share common flat area for tents
Note: Has separate private upper level for tents
Note: Have 6 x 6 common area
Note: Located behind 47 & 49; shares field behind #47
Note: Shares field with #48
Note: Behind #37
Note: Share open 17 x 11 open space for tents
Note: Accessible; near top of beach trail
Note: Accessible; near top of beach trail
Note: Shares small 20 x 17 field with 11
Note: “Foyer”-like site to #23
Note: Share open 17 x 11 open space for tents
Note: Exposed area behind trees and covered area over table
Note: Good view to west and of ocean
Note: Good view to west and of ocean
Note: Limited privacy, but at end of trail w/ clear view of water.
Note: Shares small 20 x 17 field with 26.
Note: Sites share a common area; good for groups.
Note: Sites share a common area; good for groups.
Note: Sites share a common area; good for groups.
Note: No privacy
Note: H2O in #9
Note: Located behind #7
Note: Pit toilets only.
Restrooms are multi-user with flush toilets and no showers; separate Mens and Womens.
Note: Tent space overlaps with #4.
Restrooms are multi-user with flush toilets and no showers; separate Mens and Womens.
Note: Shares parking with #3, which is unmarked. Dimensions represent sum of both parking spaces.
Restrooms are multi-user with flush toilets and no showers; separate Mens and Womens.
Note: Tent space overlaps with #6
Restrooms are multi-user with flush toilets and no showers; separate Mens and Womens.
Note: Parking unmarked. Shares with #5. Dimensions represent sum of both parking spaces.
Restrooms are multi-user with flush toilets and no showers; separate Mens and Womens.
Note: Great views;uphill from driveway. Tent area merges with #1
Restrooms are multi-user with flush toilets and no showers; separate Mens and Womens.
Note: Campsite is split by driveway. Tent area merges with #2.
Restrooms are multi-user with flush toilets and no showers; separate Mens and Womens.
Note: Large parking space shares access road entrance that cannot be blocked
Note: Has pavillion with five picnic tables, which also have a flat space for a tent.
Note: Parking is on an incline.
Note: “Parking shared with 14, which is unmarked as of January 7, 2024. Dimensions represent sum of both spaces. Distance to restrooms measured via LandId”
Note: Distance to restrooms measured via LandId
Note: “Parking unmarked, but shares with 16. Dimensions represent sum of both spaces. Distance to restrooms measured via LandId”
Note: “Small tent only. Distance to restrooms measured via LandId”
Note: Near amphitheater.
Note: Near amphitheater.
Note: Parking shared among #3, 4, & 5. Dimensions represent sum of all three spaces.
Note: Parking shared among #3, 4, & 5. Dimensions represent sum of all three spaces.
Note: Parking shared among #3, 4, & 5. Dimensions represent sum of all three spaces.
Note: Bumper-to-bumper parking shared with #2. Dimensions are for parking space #2 only.
Note: Side-by-side parking shared with #2. Dimensions are for parking space #1 only Water is located in #2.
By trash?; Creek on one side
Share parking space; Dimensions represent sum of both parking spaces
Share parking space; Dimensions represent sum of both parking spaces
Note: Share parking with 34; connects to 2, 4, 34
Note: Share parking with 36; connect to #4
Note: Not good for tent
Shares parking with 4
Note: Split by parking
Note: Shares parking with 19
Note: Hidden
Note: Accessible; ramp to table
Note: Summer sunsets
Note: Next to trail
Note: Steps down into campsite
Note: Accessible
Note: Accessible
Note: Afternoon sun
Note: Connected to 35
Shares parking with 5
Share parking space; dimensions are for each space
Note: Lumpy tree roots.
Most sites overlap considerably with neighbors; large RV area; near sports fields/skatepark; only water at restrooms/showers; T-Mobile signal strong everywhere in campground; campsite dimensions include; driveway area; most campsites are “lumpy”
Note: Yes, cell sig is 66 Mbs and BR is 66 yds.
Most sites overlap considerably with neighbors; large RV area; near sports fields/skatepark; only water at restrooms/showers; T-Mobile signal strong everywhere in campground; campsite dimensions include; driveway area; most campsites are “lumpy”
Note: Lumpy grade.
Most sites overlap considerably with neighbors; large RV area; near sports fields/skatepark; only water at restrooms/showers; T-Mobile signal strong everywhere in campground; campsite dimensions include; driveway area; most campsites are “lumpy”
Note: Parking/dining raised relative to grass/tent area.
Most sites overlap considerably with neighbors; large RV area; near sports fields/skatepark; only water at restrooms/showers; T-Mobile signal strong everywhere in campground; campsite dimensions include; driveway area; most campsites are “lumpy”
Note: Driveway is entrance to gated service road.
Most sites overlap considerably with neighbors; large RV area; near sports fields/skatepark; only water at restrooms/showers; T-Mobile signal strong everywhere in campground; campsite dimensions include; driveway area; most campsites are “lumpy”
Note: CS# is covered. It’s the messy site with the winebox on the table
Note: Nikon pics have CS# after photos and before #15
Note: No Camping. For picnic use only
Note: Site was occupied; residents weren’t available for approval. Dimensions estimated
Note: Tent area merges with #4 “Water may not be available year round **No showers available. Flush toilets.
Note:Tent area merges with #6 “Water may not be available year round **No showers available. Flush toilets.
Note: located next to pavillion with five picnic tables and flat central area where a tent can be erected
Note: Tent space only in parking area
Note: Small tent only
*Signal strength varied greatly and could depend on multiple factors beyond specific campsite location
Note: Shares large space with #34 and #35
Note: #33 has two picnic tables
Note: All dimensions are approximate and best efforts. Camp Sights USA makes no warranties, express or implied, as the accuracy of any
*Signal strength varied greatly and could depend on multiple factors beyond specific campsite location
Note: Shares large space with #33 and #35
Note: All dimensions are approximate and best efforts. Camp Sights USA makes no warranties, express or implied, as the accuracy of any measurement.
*Signal strength varied greatly and could depend on multiple factors beyond specific campsite location
Note: Shares large space with #33 and #34
Note: All dimensions are approximate and best efforts. Camp Sights USA makes no warranties, express or implied, as the accuracy of any measurement.
*Signal strength varied greatly and could depend on multiple factors beyond specific campsite location
Note: Dimensions include #41
Note: All dimensions are approximate and best efforts. Camp Sights USA makes no warranties, express or implied, as the accuracy of any measurement.
*Signal strength varied greatly and could depend on multiple factors beyond specific campsite location
Note: Dimensions include #40
Note: All dimensions are approximate and best efforts. Camp Sights USA makes no warranties, express or implied, as the accuracy of any measurement.