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Located near the summit of Mt. Diablo, Juniper is one of three campgrounds in the park (with Live Oak and Junction being the other two). The campground offers beautiful views of the San Ramon Valley on the west side. The park is interlaced with multiple hiking trails, one of which leads to the historic lighthouse at the peak. The campground is approximately a 20-mile drive from the nearest supplies. There are no resources for wood or food located within the park, except for some snacks at the lighthouse gift shop. During summer drought season, there is a strong likelihood of limited or no running water at the campground, and there will likely be fire restrictions throughout the year. The mountain can experience high winds and strong weather, especially during the winter rainy season, where it might even pick up a few inches of snow on occasion.

While the south and west sides of the campground have spectacular views, they can come at the cost of greater exposure to weather. The east side of the campground has limited views, and some sites are less comfortable compared with those on the west side. For example, campsite #31 sits on a steep slope and is bifurcated by its own parking space, making tent camping marginally passable.

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Campsites #18, 19, 21, 22, and 24 are well connected to one another, and therefore are good for large camping groups, subject to occupation limits per campsite. These campsites also have the best cell signal and sunset views.

Campsite #23 is very isolated and has limited views. Campsite #17 is close to the Juniper Summit hiking trail, so you can expect hikers passing nearby throughout the day.

Campsites #9 and 10 are handicap accessible as indicated on the map. There is no Wi-Fi on the mountain and cell signals will vary greatly even throughout the campground.

Parking is mixed, with some spaces being pull-throughs, some more like small driveways, and others set up as roadside pull-outs. In some cases, parking spaces are shared with neighboring campsites.

The main restrooms and showers are on the northwest side of the campground, and pit toilets are available near the entrance.

The entrances to the mountain and campgrounds close soon after sunset, after which campers are locked on the mountain until sunrise. In the event of an emergency, campers can call the park rangers to open the gate.

More information can be found on the park website.

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Wildcat camp map

Camp Sights

Parking Dimension Parking Shape Camp Site Dimension Camp Site Shape Exposure Slope Water Restrooms Wi-Fi T-Mobile Signal
Juniper Site #1 11 x 6 Roadside 21 x 14 yards Lollipop Exposed Mixed - Flat and Moderate 15 yards Close None Weak
Juniper Site #2 16 x 5 yards Roadside 8 x 9 yards Oval Partial Small flat 0 yards Close None None
Juniper Site #3 15 x 5 yards Roadside 13 x 8 yards Rectangle Exposed Flat 40 yards Close None Weak
Juniper Site #4 40 x 4 yards Pull through 15 x 10 yards Irregular Partial Mild Close Close None Weak
Juniper Site #5 14 x 7 yards Roadside 14 x 10 yards Oval Partial Mild 17 yards 100 yards None Very strong
Juniper Site #6 7 x 4 yards Roadside 8 x 10 yards Oval Covered Mixed; Moderate and Flat 25 yards Near CS 1 None Moderate
Juniper Site #7 23 x 4 yards Pull through 16 x 9 yards Rectangle Exposed slight 25 yards Near CS 1 None None
Juniper Site #8 12 x 4 yards Roadside 17 x 8 yards Rectangle Partial Flat 16 yards Far None None
Juniper Site #9 (ACC) 21 x 6 yards Pull through 11 x 7 yards Rectangle Exposed Flat 13 yards Far None Strong
Juniper Site #10 (ACC) 15 x 7 yards Roadside 9 x 9 yards Square Exposed Flat 17 yards Far None None
Juniper Site #11 20 x 6 yards Roadside 20 x 6 yards Irregular Exposed; windy Moderate 33 yards Far None Strong
Juniper Site #12 10 x 3 yards Pull through 19 x 9 yards Rectangle Covered Flat 40 yards Far None Weak
Juniper Site #13 20 x 3 yards Pull through 15 x 10 yards Oval Exposed Mixed; Moderate and Flat 50 yards Far None Moderate
Juniper Site #14 15 x 3 yards Pull through 15 x 15 yards Round Exposed Mild 40 yards 70 yards None Moderate
Juniper Site #15 18 x 4 yards Pull through 10 x 10 yards Oval Exposed Sloped 30 yards 80 yards None Moderate
Juniper Site #16 25 x 4 yards Pull through 16 x 15 yards Irregular Exposed Sloped 20 yards 95 yards None Moderate
Juniper Site #17 25 x 3 yards Driveway 10 x 8 yards Round Exposed Mild 10 yards 110 yards None Weak
Juniper Site #18 20 x 5 yards Roadside 18 x 10 yards Rectangle Covered Sloped 0 yards 80 yards None Excellent
Juniper Site #19 (ACC) 15 x 7 yards Flat Pad; Roadside 15 x 7 yards Rectangle Covered Flat 5 yards 60 yards None Excellent
Juniper Site #20 8 x 5 yards Driveway 13 x 13 yards Round Covered Moderate 15 yards 80 yards None Moderate
Juniper Site #21 8 x 7 yards Flat Pad; Roadside 10 x 10 yards Square Covered Mild 0 yards 50 yards None Moderate
Juniper Site #22 18 x 5 yards Roadside 30 x 12 yards Irregular Covered Moderate 0 yards 45 yards None Weak
Juniper Site #23 20 x 4 yards Pull through 12 x 12 yards Square Partial Moderate 35 yards 60 yards None None
Juniper Site #24 12 x 5 yards Roadside 9 x 10 yards Irregular Covered Moderate 23 yards None None
Juniper Site #25 8 x 6 yards Roadside 13 x 9 yards Irregular Exposed Moderate 40 yards 40 yards None None
Juniper Site #26 12 x 3 yards Roadside 20 x 12 yards Rectangle Covered Moderate 10 yards 25 yards None None
Juniper Site #27 12 x 6 yards Roadside 9 x 10 yards Irregular Exposed Moderate 50 yards 50 yards None None
Juniper Site #28 15 x 5 yards Roadside 13 x 25 yards Irregular Exposed Steep 50 yards 65 yards None None
Juniper Site #29 35 x 4 yards Pull through 12 x 10 yards Rectangle Covered Steep 20 yards 80 yards None None
Juniper Site #30 12 x 4 yards Pull in 18 x 14 yards Irregular Partial Moderate 26 yards 80 yards None None
Juniper Site #31 11 x 3 yards Pull in 20 x 10 yards Irregular Partial Steep 40 yards Far None None
Juniper Site #32 29 x 4 yards Pull through 17 x 20 yards Rectangle Exposed Flat 15 yards Far None None
Juniper Site #33 17 x 5 yards Roadside 9 x 9 yards Round Partial Steep 20 yards 80 yards None None
Juniper Site #34 10 x 6 Roadside 26 x 22 yards Round Covered Mild 76 yards 28 yards None None
Juniper Site #35 9 x 3 yards Pull in 20 x 17 yards Irregular Partial Steep 13 yards 50 yards None None
Juniper Site #36 12 x 5 yards Roadside 15 x 23 yards Round Covered Mixed: steep and moderate 0 yards 55 yards None None

Camp Sights USA is not affiliated with and does not represent any park service or campground.  All information on this site is derived solely by Camp Sights USA, and while Camp Sights USA strives for accuracy, it makes no guarantees regarding the specific details posted here.  This site provides information to help potential campers optimize their choices for an enjoyable camping experience.  Because it was prepared at a given point in time, not all information will necessarily be accurate and/or complete at the time of use of this site. If a site visitor identifies any inaccuracies or wishes to share updates or details to help other visitors maximize their camping enjoyment, please contact Camp Sights USA at [email protected]